Making your own LAN cables
The unix test was okay (I hope!). Anyway, today we had to make our own RJ45 cables, and then you'll have to test it in front of the tutor (using some kind of device to see whether it works or otherwise). If the cable is working (there will be 4 dotted lights coming out from the device), you'll have to connect it to a hub, and join the network. Upon completion, you'll get a tick in the mark sheet. Well, I'm not really sure how many marks this whole thing is worth, but all I know is that I got the tick.

It took me 2 tries before I finally got all 4 dots blinking. It was such a relief as some of the students never got theirs working at all. It seems next week is the last week of lectures, and then there's a 1 week break before the exams begin.
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