Puteri Gunung Ledang
I watched Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) yesterday (on VCD). It's really rare for Malaysian film producers to come up with a story based on ancient history. Before I saw the movie, I had high expectations about it, but after seeing it, I would just say 'okay'. It's just that I kinda expected for them to put more effort into it the movie.
For example, Malacca, one of the greatest cities of its time, looks more like a shanty town in the film. For an empire that heavily emphasized on trade, the city was nothing near impressive. I was also hoping for more action (despite knowing this is a love story). Also, the actor that played Sultan Mahmud doesn't really fit as a sultan character. They should have chosen somebody with charisma & posh attitude instead.
The early scene where Hang Tuah was in the bazaar with some troublemakers was really cool. Damn, I never knew M.Nasir could fight. Must be some intensive silat crash course. Anyway, I hope there would be more movies like this. Somebody should make a movie about the Portuguese attacking Malacca, definitely more action than PGL. :)

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